What Cinzia has been doing lately …
27.06.2024 Interview on ArcInfo about Top Sharing
Cinzia answers to 3 questions about top sharing, which still seems to concern mainly women.
See can see the interview here.
05.2024 New article published on Information Technology & People
Cinzia published a new article with Afshin Omidi and Robert G. Picard entitled: “Audience Analytics and Tensions in Digital News Work. Evidence from Swiss Media”
Results show how the pressures felt by some journalists stemmed from the way their media managers interpreted, communicated, and applied analytics in the workplace, which were not tied to the quality and learning goals to which journalists aspired.
By identifying the nature of key tensions related to analytics in newsrooms, this article contributes to the understanding of how media managers can adopt more effective approaches to audience analytics, people management and organizational performance.
07.12.2023 Interview with Le Point J, RTS
In Switzerland, as elsewhere, the model for financing public broadcasting is being called into question. But what exactly is the licence fee used for?
In this episode of Le Point J, Cinzia talks about the use of the licence fee and various other models for financing public service media, in Switzerland and abroad.
Here is the link to the podcast (in French): “À quoi sert la redevance?”
10.05.2023 New article published in the European Management Journal
Cinzia published a new article with Afshin Omidi and Alessandro Gandini: “Labor process theory and critical HRM: A systematic review and agenda for future research”
Drawing on a systematic review of 103 research articles published from 2000 to 2021, the article discusses what HRM scholars can learn from a collective understanding of Labor Process Theory (LPT) and how this theory could be employed to advance critical Human Resource Management (HRM) research. Results suggest that LPT represents a worthwhile theoretical lens to challenge the excessive optimism of pluralist approaches in HRM.
04.2023 New edited book published with Springer in the LNISO book series
Georges Aoun, Afsnin Omidi and Cinzia published an edited book titled “Smart Technologies for Organizations: Managing a Sustainable and Inclusive Digital Transformation“.
The book covers a comprehensive scientific approach to the impact of ICT on management and society. It further offers research results on ICT with a focus on developing countries, and includes case studies from developed and developing countries.
23.03.2023 New article published in Weder, Rademacher and Schmidpeter (Eds.): CSR Communication in the Media, Springer
Afshin Omidi, Esmaeli Norouzi and Cinzia published an article on : “Smart Exclusion: How May Digital Platforms Hinder Inclusivity within News Organizations?“
Drawing on the data colonialism perspective and the labor process theory, this chapter critically discusses how digital platforms may hinder news organizations’ inclusivity and thus social responsibility. By mainly requiring the recruitment and selection of tech-savvy talents, news organizations prompt a process of “smart exclusion” which impacts their social license to operate. This paper suggests a symbiotic perspective for dealing with the related challenges and ensuring the respect of the diversity and inclusion dimensions of news organizations’ social responsibility.
02.01.2023 New article published in the International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
Afshin Omidi and Cinzia published a new article on “How online collaboration software shapes control at work? Evidence from news organizations“.
The findings reveal how Online Collaboration Software (OCS) could lead to various control mechanisms in the workplace by directing, evaluating and disciplining journalists in specific ways. This study suggests that while on one hand OCS can boost collaboration among news staff, on the other hand it might hinder journalists to focus on their work and creative activities. Most importantly, OCS bolsters an “always-on” work culture in news media and removes obstacles for employers and managers to invade journalists’ space, time and mind.
New article published in Journalism and Media, FEATURE PAPER
Cinzia together with Afshin Omidi and Robert G. Picard published a research paper on “The Nature of Work in the Media Industries: A Literature Review and Future Directions“.
Through an in-depth review of 36 scholarly papers published in influential journals between 2006 and 2020, this article provides a comprehensive view of the literature on media work and its approaches. It contextualizes media workers’ subjective experiences in an innovative way, linking them to the specific organizational configurations and macro-structures in which media work is embedded. By doing so, it depicts how work in the media may take different meanings when addressing it through various theoretical frameworks.
Access to the full article here.
New article published in the journal Sustainability, EDITOR'S CHOICE
Cinzia just published an article with Afshin Omidi on “Socially responsible human resource management: A systematic literature review and research agenda“.
The article provides a far-reaching theoretical framework that highlights antecedents, practices, and outcomes of socially responsible human resource management (SRHRM) research.
Showing how previous research is dominated by studies rooted in utilitarian approaches, Cinzia and Afshin further set a research agenda for the future by acknowledging the need for process-oriented studies and the importance of critical scholarship within the field of SRHRM.
Here you can access to the full article.
26.01.2022 Interview on Forum, the staff magazine of the Swiss Federal Administrative Court
In this article, published on the staff magazine of the Swiss Federal Administrative Court, Cinzia talks about the importance of communication and transparency for establishing successful collaborative work environments.
The article also appeared on the Blog of the Swiss Federal Administrative Court.
Here you can read the full article.
11.11.2021 Interview at 24Heures
A new Certificate of Advanced Studies in Hospital Leadership is being launched at the University of Neuchâtel in collaboration with the Réseau hospitalier neuchâtelois (RHNe).
In this article published by the newspaper 24Heures, Cinzia discusses the crucial role plaid by leadership within hospital settings.
By shaping the organizational culture and practices adopted by the healthcare staff, leadership directly affects the effectiveness of hospitals and thus the quality of patient care.
The Covid-19 pandemic crisis has brought the leadership issue into even sharper focus.
10.05.2021 Paper published in the proceedings of the International Conference on Exploring Service Science (IESS 2.1)
Cinzia published a new paper on Smart Working in the Covid-19 emergency, together with Eleonora Veglianti and Marco De Marco. Please find the link to the full conference proceedings and the pdf of our paper here.
15.02.2021 New article published in the Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Cinzia co-authered an article on “Clusters as institutional entrepreneurs: Lessons from Russia” which explores whether organized clusters can act as institutional entrepreneurs, and in particular as change agents, to create favorable conditions for innovation.
Here you can find the full text of the article.
21.01.2021 New article published in the Journal of Organization Design
Cinzia published an article on “Designing organized clusters as social actors: a meta-organizational approach” exploring how organized clusters can be conceived as deliberate actors within their contexts.
Here you can access the full text of the article.
18.01.2021 Interview at Le Temps
The exclusion of Donald Trump by Facebook and Twitter has highlighted the major concerns of regulation of social networks. Should we let them manage themselves or create new laws?
Cinzia discusses about these major questions (here the online version of the article).
30.11.2020 Interview at 60 Minuti, Radiotelevisione Svizzera (RSI)
Cinzia talks about abuses at the workplace and how you can manage and above all, prevent them. Here the link to the TV program (in italian): “Contro gli abusi sul posto di lavoro”
16.11.2020 Interview at Modem, Radiotelevisione Svizzera (RSI)
Cinzia refers on issues related to the management of mobbing and abuse of power in workplace settings.
Here the link to the radio program (in Italian): “La RTS tra molestie e indagini”
09.11.2020 Interview at PME Magazine
“Is the “uberization” already at the end of its run?” (in French), Cinzia refers about changes in flexible forms of work.
Several platforms have made the decision to move to employer status. According to Cinzia, turn freelancers into employees means providing them with protection, which will generate a sense of trust. They will be more loyal, more motivated and therefore more effective and efficient. This is particularly important within competitive environments, where you can quickly change employer.
… Combining labor flexibility and social protection could be achieved through an unconditional basic income.
01.06.2020 New Publication on the Nordic Journal of Media Management
Cinzia published an article on “Platformization of media entrepreneurship: A conceptual development“, with Afshin Omidi.
28.05.2020 Guest speaker on Telework post COVID-19
Cinzia held a presentation on “The world of work post COVID-19: the case of telework” within the frame of a professional workshop at La Vaudoise in Lausanne, Switzerland
18.03.2020 New Publication on the journal Sustainability
Cinzia published an article on
“Media innovation strategies for sustaining competitive advantage: Evidence from music download stores in Iran” in the academic journal Sustainability, with Afshin Omidi et al.
25.03.2020 Guest lecture at the University of Zurich
Cinzia was invited by Prof. Andreas Scherer to hold a lecture on “Globalization, Digitalization and Media” within the frame of his course Globalisierung und Multinationale Unternehmen.
16.09.2019 Speaker at a symposium on Artificial Intelligence at EDHEC, Lille
Within a Symposium that opened the academic year at the EDHEC Business School in Lille Cinzia was invited by the organizer, prof. Michel Philippart, to give a talk on the impact of artificial intelligence on the nature of work.
12.09.2019 Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association, University of Neuchâtel
Cinzia presented a paper on “Digital transformation in organizations: How to steer the impact of new technologies on organizations and employment relations?” at the annual Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association at the University of Neuchâtel
28.03.2019 Speaker at the 9th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Security and Defense, Beirut
Cinzia held a presentation on digital transformation in organizations.
In particular, she discussed the impact of artificial intelligence on organizational structures, working processes and employment relations with a special attention to the defense sector.
She received the Best Paper Award.
20.03.2019 Guest lecture on Globalisation, ICT and Media
Cinzia Dal Zotto held a guest lecture at the University of Zürich on the interplay within globalisation, new ICT and media. She specifically addressed the impact of globalization and digitalization on the media industry as well as the role and responsibility of the tech giants within this context.
This lecture was part of the course “Globalisierung und Multinationale Unternehmen” by Prof. Andreas G. Scherer.
14.11.2018 Guest speaker at the Semaine des Droits Humains, Université de Genève
Cinzia was invited to hold a speech entitled “Media management and media policies as a potential deterrent for hate speech online?”
She reflected on possible ex-ante actions to prevent hate speech, arguing that this would imply an understanding of the reasons why hate speech emerges. Cinzia believes the way media are managed, owned and controlled plays a role in this respect.
8/9.11.2018 2nd Conference on media development in Africa
Cinzia and her team organized the 2nd international conference on media development in Africa, which this time focused on the ownership structures and managerial challenges of both the media and their enablers, that is the telecommunications.
The conference gathered researchers and professionals from Africa but also many other different countries. More details about the event can be found here.
The event was sponsored by the University of Neuchâtel, the Swiss Network for International Studies and the Swiss National Science Foundation.
A special Issue of the Journal of Media Business Studies on the topic is planned and a call for papers will be sent out during May 2019.
22.03.2018 The call for papers for the 2nd international conference on media development in Africa is out!
The 2nd International Conference on Media Development in Africa will take place at the University of Neuchâtel on November 8-9, 2018. The main conference theme this time will concern ownership structures and managerial challenges in the African media and telecommunications sectors. We welcome theory-based and empirically sound submissions related to the conference theme, as well as contributions by practitioners that describe, analyze and explain specific cases/experiences.
For more information please see the conference website and the call for papers.
12.12.2017 Journée de l'Innovation en Gestion des Ressources Humaines
Within the frame of the course “Human Resource Management” on December 15 the HRM Innovation Day took place : students presented their ideas about how to innovate in the HRM field.
A jury composed by Stephen Faasen (SharkTalent), Sébastien Milardo (HR Director at UniNE), Anne-Marie Van Rampaey (AVA Conseils) and Cinzia Dal Zotto evaluated the ideas, and the best three received an award ! 😎
Some pictures of the event on Facebook
10.11.2017 Guest speaker at the Lycée Jean-Piaget, Neuchâtel
Lecture on “Marketing yourself : Concepts and Practice”
In this occasion Cinzia gave to the students conceptual and practical insighs on how to make yourself more visible and brand yourself on the job market within the era of social media.
21.10.2017 Guest speaker on leadership and power in organizations
Cinzia held a presentation on “Leadership and Power: New paradigms, new concepts” within the frame of a professional workshop organized by Vicario Consulting SA in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Here a short clip of the event
24.08.2017 Interview at Radiotelevisione Svizzera (RSI), ReteDUE - Attualità Culturale
Il sistema giornalistico Svizzero: quale evoluzione?
Cinzia Dal Zotto refers at the radio about the evolution of the Swiss media system
28.04.2017 Publication of Special Issue of Journal of Media Business Studies
The special issue of the Journal of Media Business Studies on News Media Development and Sustainability in Africa, edited by Cinzia Dal Zotto and Johanna Mavhungu, has just been published online.
A first discussion between researchers and practitioners in the field around this topic took place at an international conference on media development and sustainability held at the University of Neuchâtel on 22–23 October 2015. The special issue draws on a selection of papers presented at the conference .
29.03.2017 Nouveau membre au Conseil du Public SWI swissinfo.ch et tvsvizzera.it
Berne (ots) – Le Comité de SWI swissinfo.ch (le service international de la SRG SSR) a élu Cinzia Dal Zotto comme nouveau membre du Conseil du public. Madame Dal Zotto remplace Takemitsu Morikawa, qui déménage en Allemagne pour des raisons professionnelles. Elle observera également l’offre tvsvizzera.it.
TraitD’Union, newsletter de l’Université de Neuchâtel
29.03.2017 Guest lecture on Globalisation, ICT and Media
Proud and delighted Cinzia Dal Zotto held a guest lecture at the University of Zürich on the interplay within globalisation, ICT and media. This lecture was part of the course “Globalisierung und Multinationale Unternehmen” by Prof. Andreas G. Scherer.
Globalisation, ICT and Media – lecture slides
16.03.2017 Best Paper Award
Paris – The paper entitled “Le Rôle du Leadership dans la Transformation Digitale : Le Cas du Secteur Pharmaceutique” co-authored by Cinzia Dal Zotto, Evegeniya Kolpakova and Alexiane Gerber won the best paper award at the Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and Society (ICTO) Conference.
03.03.2017 New publication
Two papers by Cinzia Dal Zotto, Vittoria Sacco and Yoann Schenker, included in the book edited by Hans van Kranenburg “Innovation policies in the European news media industry” have finally been published:
Market structure and innovation policies in Switzerland
Market structure and innovation policies in Italy
11.01.2017 Interview at Le Temps
Cinzia Dal Zotto refers about Buzzfeed, the infotainment site “à l’origine du scandal Trump”
11.2016 Research project funded by the Swiss Network of International Studies
The project on “Telecommunications politics in authoritarian developing countries – Development, control and ownership in the African information and communications technology sector” , jointly conducted by Professor Tina Freyburg of the University of St. Gallen and Professor Cinzia Dal Zotto of the University of Neuchâtel, was awarded CHF 251’878.- for a two year period starting from November 1, 2016.