research activities

Here you find the links to some of my books, papers, research projects and conference contributions

Research Publications


Dal Zotto C., Omidi A. and Aoun G. (Eds.), Smart Technologies for Organizations: Managing a Sustainable and Inclusive Digital Transformation, LNISO, Vol. 60, Springer 2023.

Lugmayr A. and Dal Zotto C. (Eds.), Media Convergence Handbook, Vol. II – Firms and User Perspectives, Springer 2016.

Lugmayr A. and Dal Zotto C. (Eds.), Media Convergence Handbook , Vol. I – Journalism, Boradcasting and Social Media Aspects of Convergence, Springer 2016.

Dal Zotto C., Stanoevska Slabeva K. and Giardina M. (Eds.), Participatory Media, Journalism and Communication: Changing Values, Roles and Business Models. Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SACM) Annual Conference Proceedings 2012, with ISSN 2235-7874 (Electronic) ISSN 2235-7866 (Print).

Dal Zotto C. and van Kranenburg H. (2008). Management and Innovation in the Media Industry, Edward Elgar Publishing.

Dal Zotto C. (2005). Growth and Dynamics of Maturing New Media Companies, (Ed.) JIBS Research Reports Series, nr.2.

Dal Zotto, C. (2001). Die Simultaneität und Permanenz von Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt/Main.

Articles in journals

Omidi A., Dal Zotto C. and Gandini A. (2023). Labor process theory and critical HRM: A systematic review and agenda for future research. European Management Journal.

Omidi A. and Dal Zotto C. (2023). How online collaboration software shapes control at work? Evidence from news organizations. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy.

Omidi A., Dal Zotto C. and Picard R. (2022). The Nature of Work in the Media Industries: A Literature Review and Future Directions. Journalism and Media.

Omidi A. and Dal Zotto C. (2022). Socially Responsible Human Resource Management: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda. Sustainability.

Lupova-Henri, E., Blili S. and Dal Zotto C. (2021). Innovation-Centric Cluster Business Model: Findings from a Design-Oriented Literature Review. Triple Helix.

Lupova-Henri, E., Blili S. and Dal Zotto C. (2021). Clusters as institutional entrepreneurs: Lessons from Russia. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Lupova-Henri, E., Blili S. and Dal Zotto C. (2021). Designing organised clusters as social actors: a meta-organisational approach. Journal of Organization Design.

Omidi A. and Dal Zotto C. (2020). Platformization of media entrepreneurship: A Conceptual development. Nordic Journal of Media Management, Vol. 1, Issue 2.

Omidi A., Dal Zotto C. and Norouzi E. (2020). Media innovation strategies for sustaining competitive advantage: Evidence from music download stores in Iran. Sustainability,  12(6), 2020.

Dal Zotto C. and Mavhungu J. (2017). Guest editors’ introduction to the special issue on news media development and sustainability in Africa. Journal of Media Business Studies, Vol. 14, Issue 1. 

Valcke P., Picard R., Sükösd M., Dal Zotto C., Klimkiewicz B., Petkovic B. and Kerremans R. (2010). The European Media Pluralism Monitor: Bridging Law, Economics and Media Studies as a First Step towards Risk-Based Regulation in Media Markets. The Journal of Media Law, Vol. 2, Issue 1.

Picard R. and Dal Zotto C. (2006). Business Models of Newspaper Publishing Companies. In: Where News? The media future research initiative, Ifra Report Nr. 1.

Dal Zotto C. (2005). Human Resource Leadership in highly dynamic environments: Theoretically based analysis of 3 publishing companies. Journal of Media Business Studies, Fall Issue.

Dal Zotto C. (2005). Venture Firms’ Knowledge Transfer. Inciativa Emprendedora, Nr. 46 enero-febrero-marzo.

Dal Zotto C. (2000). Integrierte Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung als mediengestützter Prozess. Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, Heft 3 Mai/Juni, pp. 148-153.

Chapters in books

Omidi A., Dal Zotto C.  and Norouzi E. (2023). Smart Exclusion: How May Digital Platforms Hinder Inclusivity within News Organizations? In: CSR Communication in the Media, Springer.

Hammami A. and Dal Zotto C. (2020). The FDI-economic growth nexus: A human resource management perspective – The case of the ICT sector in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: ICT for an Inclusive World (pp. 327-343). Basel: Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

DAL ZOTTO C., SCHENKER Y. and SACCO V. (2017), Market Structure and Innovation Policies in Switzerland, in: Hans van Kranenburg (Ed.), Innovation Policies in the European News Media Industry: A Comparative Study, Springer Verlag.

DAL ZOTTO C., SACCO V. and SCHENKER Y. (2017), Market Structure and Innovation Policies in Italy, in: Hans van Kranenburg (Ed.), Innovation Policies in the European News Media Industry: A Comparative Study, Springer Verlag.

Dal Zotto C. and Lugmayr A. (2016). Media Convergence as Evolutionary Process. In: Artur Lugmayr and Cinzia Dal Zotto (Eds.), Media Convergence Handbook – Vol. I and II, Springer.

Lugmayr A. and Dal Zotto C. (2016). Media Convergence in NOT King: The Triadic Phenomenon of Media “Convergence-Divergence-Coexistence” IS King. In: Artur Lugmayr and Cinzia Dal Zotto (Eds.), Media Convergence Handbook – Vol. I and II, Springer.

Matteo S. and Dal Zotto C. (2015). Native advertising, or How to Stretch Editorial to Sponsored Content Within a Transmedia Branding Era. In: Gabriele Siegert, Kati Förster, Sylvia Chan-Olmsted, Mart Ots (Eds.), Handbook of Media Branding, Springer.

Valcke P., Picard R., Sükösd M., Dal Zotto C., Kuczerawy A. and Kerremans R. (2015). Indicators for Media Pluralism. In: Peggy Valcke, Miklos Sükösd, Robert Picard (Eds.), Media Pluralism and Diversity: Concepts, Risks, and Global Trends, Palgrave MacMillan 2015.

Dal Zotto C. and Picard R. (2015). The Dimension of Ownership and Control of Media. In: Peggy Valcke, Miklos Sükösd, Robert Picard (Eds.), Media Pluralism and Diversity: Concepts, Risks, and Global Trends, Palgrave MacMillan.

DAL ZOTTO C. and SCHENKER J. (2015), “Le Data Journalisme: un Nouvel Outil de Transparence à Disposition de la Démocratie”, in : Marc-Olivier Gonseth, Bernard Knodel, Yann Laville et Grégoire Mayor (Eds.), Secrets.

Matteo S., Spolaor G. and Dal Zotto C. (2012). Branding with Social Media. In: Mike Friedrichsen and Wolfgang Mühl-Benninghaus (Ed.), Handbook of Social Media Management, Springer Science and Business Media, Heidelberg.

Dal Zotto C. (2012). Alte Rezepte und neue Businessmodelle: Die Medienkrise aus der Sicht der Verlagsmanager. In: Werner Meier, Heinz Bonfadelli und Josef Trappel (Ed.), Gehen in den Leuchttürmen die Lichter aus? Was aus den Schweizer Leitmedien wird, Lit Verlag Münster.

Dal Zotto C. (2012). Crisis and Challenges of News Media Organizations: The Fall and the Rise of Business Models. In: Projektverbund Sinergia “Medienkrise” (Hrsg.), Die Medienindustrie in der Krise: Ursachen, Folgen und Implikationen für Journalismus und Demokratie in der Schweiz, 2012.

Dal Zotto C. (2010). Professional Journalism. In: Raphael Giesecke, Stina Immonen, Esa Sirkkunen, Katri Grenman, Asta Bäck, Merja Helle, OIli Nurmi, Seppo Leminen, Petri Vuorimaa, Jukka Häkkinen (Eds.), Media Scenarios 2020, Version 2. Public, Helsinki.

Van Kranenburg H. Pennings J., Dal Zotto C. and Hagedoorn J. (2008). Innovation through External Sourcing Activities: An Overview of Major Trends and Patterns of the Telecommunications Service Provider Industry. In: Cinzia Dal Zotto and Hans van Kranenburg (Ed.), Management and Innovation in the Media Industry, Edward Elgar.

Dal Zotto C. (2008). Introduction to the relation between Media Management and Innovation. In: Cinzia Dal Zotto and Hans van Kranenburg (Ed.), Management and Innovation in the Media Industry, Edward Elgar.

Dal Zotto C. and Gustavsson V. (2007). Entrepreneurship and Human Resource Management as Innovation Tools and Drivers of Growth. In: Rowena Barrett and Susan Mayson (Ed.), International Handbook of HRM and Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar Publishing.

Dal Zotto C. and Cohen S.S. (2007). Inter-organizational knowledge transfer as a source of innovation: the role of absorptive capacity and information management systems. In: Uday M. Apte and Uday S. Karmarkar (Eds.), Managing in the Information Economy, Springer, New York.

Dal Zotto C. (2005). Survival versus high growth strategies: implications for the management of young firms’ growth in the media sector. In: Michael Dowling, Jürgen Schmude and Dodo zu Knyphausen-Aufsess (Eds.): Advances in Interdisciplinary European Entrepreneurship Research, Volume II, LIT.

Dal Zotto C. (2005). Managing Growth in Young Media Firms: A Matter of Theory or a Question of Practice? In: Cinzia Dal Zotto (Ed.), Growth and Dynamics of Maturing New Media Companies, JIBS Research Reports Series, Nr.2.

Dal Zotto C. (2005). What is the New Economy? In: Cinzia Dal Zotto (Ed.), Growth and Dynamics of Maturing New Media Companies, JIBS Research Reports Series, Nr.2.

Dal Zotto C. (2004). Personalmanagementaufgaben – Besonderheiten des Personalmanagements in Medien-unternehmen. In: Handbuch Medienmanagement. C. Scholz (Ed.), Springer Verlag.

Dal Zotto C. (2004). Survival versus high growth strategies: implications for the management of young firms’ growth in the media sector. In: Best Paper Book of the Interdisciplinary European conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER) – Regensburg, February 18-20.

Dal Zotto C. and Drumm H.J. (2004). Risikoanalyse als Grundlage der Corporate Governance. With Hans Jürgen Drumm. In: Unternehmensrechnung – Konzeptionen und praktische Umsetzung. Stephan Göbel/Bernhard Heni (Ed.), Springer Verlag.

Dal Zotto C. and Drumm H.J. (2003). Italienische Soziokultur als intervenierende Variable bei Wahl und Nutzung von Organisationsstrukturen in internationalen Unternehmungen. In: Management in multinationalen Unternehmungen. Dirk Holtbrügge (Ed.), Springer Verlag, Berlin 2003.

Dal Zotto C. and Dowling M. (2002). Venture Capital Investitionen in Neugründungen der Telekommunikationsbranche: Erfahrungen aus der geplatzten “Blase” in den U.S.A. In: Innovationsmanagement in Medienunternehmen. Frank Habann (Ed.), Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden.

Dal Zotto C. and Drumm H.J. (1999). Verhandelte Mitbestimmung. Italien als Modell für eine Reform der deutschen Tarif- und Unternehmungsverfassung: Ex meridiano lux? With Hans Jürgen Drumm. In: Mitbestimmung – Gesellschaftlicher Auftrag und ökonomische Ressource. Thomas Breisig (Ed.), München und Mering, pp. 46-68.

Dal Zotto C., Biersack F., Nikolaus U. Hawelka B. And Stiller K. (1999). Multimedia interdisziplinär. In: Multimedia – Informationssysteme zwischen Bild und Sprache. Franz Lehner/Georg Braungart/Ludwig Hitzenberger (Eds.), Wiesbaden, pp. 3-20.

Dal Zotto C. (1997). Weiterentwicklungen der lernenden Organisation. In: Moderne Organisationsstrukturen und ihre personalwirtschaftlichen Implikationen, H. J. Drumm (Ed.). Regensburger Diskussionsbeiträge zur Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Nr. 302, Regensburg, pp. 53-70.

Working Papers 

DAL ZOTTO Cinzia and SCHENKER Yoann (2015), “Le data journalisme en Suisse : Etat des lieux et regard des pratiquants sur leur activité“. Unpublished Article.

KOLPAKOVA Evgeniya, & DAL ZOTTO Cinzia (2015). Can Luxury dimensions be recreated online? Unpublished Article.

SPOLAOR Giulia, & DAL ZOTTO Cinzia (2015). Transnational Advertising Strategies: The case of Pan-European Networks. Unpublished Article.

DAL ZOTTO Cinzia, & SPOLAOR G.iulia (2015). International Diversification Strategies in Transnational Media Companies: The Role of Human Resource Management. Unpublished Article.

DAL ZOTTO Cinzia, & Schenker Yoann (2015). Le data journalisme en Suisse: Etat des lieux et regard des pratiquants sur leur activité. Unpublished Article.

Research Reports

DAL ZOTTO Cinzia & SACCO Vittoria (2015). Market Structure and Innovation Policies in Italy. In : Hans van Kranenburg (Ed.), A European comparison of innovation policies to trigger innovation in journalism and news media, Radboud University & Het Stimuleringsfonds voor de Journalistiek, Nijmegen.

DAL ZOTTO Cinzia & SCHENKER Yoann (2015). Market Structure and Innovation Policies in Switzerland. In : Hans van Kranenburg (Ed.), A European comparison of innovation policies to trigger innovation in journalism and news media, Radboud University & Het Stimuleringsfonds voor de Journalistiek, Nijmegen.

DAL ZOTTO Cinzia, STANOEVSKA-SLABEVA Katarina & GIARDINA Marco (2012). Participatory Media, Journalism and Communication: Changing Values, Roles and Business Models . Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SACM) Annual Conference Proceedings (Eds.). ISSN 2235-7874 (Electronic) ISSN 2235-7866 (Print).

DAL ZOTTO Cinzia, MEIER Werner A., LEONARZ Martina, & PRARIO Benedetta (2011). Pluralismus und Vielfalt in Regionalzeitungen. Auswirkungen von Medienkonzentration und Medienkrise auf die Lo­ kalberichterstattung in ausgewählten Regionen in der Schweiz. Zurich: Unversity of Zurich, University of Neuchâtel, Università della Svizzera Italiana.

DAL ZOTTO Cinzia & KAUFMANN Vincent (2011). Etat des Lieux du Journalism Culturel Suisse. Neuchâtel – St. Gallen: University of Neuchâtel/AJM, University of St. Gallen/MCM.

DAL ZOTTO Cinzia, VALCKE Peggy, PICARD R.obert G., SÜKÖSD Miklos, & SANDERS Jo (2009). Indicators for Media Pluralism in the Member States – Towards a risk-based Approach . (Final Report No. Final Report) . Leuven: K.U. Leuven/ICRI, Jönköping International Business School/MMTC, Central European University/CMCS, Ernst&Young Belgium.

DAL ZOTTO Cinzia, VALCKE Peggy, PICARD Robert G., SÜKSÖD Miklos, & SANDERS Jo (2009). Indicators for Media Pluralism in the Member States – Towards a risk-based Approach . (Final Report – Annex I, User Guide No. Final Report – Annex I, User Guide) . Leuven: K.U. Leuven/ICRI, Jönköping International Business School/MMTC, Central European University/CMCS, Ernst&Young Belgium.

DAL ZOTTO Cinzia & PICARD Robert G. (2006). Business Models for Newspaper Publishing Companies . (Ifra Report No. Ifra Report) . Darmstadt: WAN-IFRA.

Research Projects

At the University of Neuchâtel, Faculty of Economics and Business

  • The effects of foreign ownership on the development of telecommunications and media companies in authoritarian African countries. Focus on the contribution of human resource management practices to the success of FDI strategies of multinational companies (2016-2018). Research study in collaboration with the University of St. Gallen, funded by the Swiss Network for International Studies, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Data journalism in news media firms: A case study based analysis of managerial challenges and business opportunities of data-driven journalism projects (2014-at present). Ongoing and submitted to the Swiss National Foundation.
  • The interplay between media industry transformation and social communication technology change (2012-2014). Sinergia research project. Direction of Sub-project B: Challenges and opportunities within news media organizations: Fall and rise of business models. With Werner Meyer and Marc Sele
  • Cultural journalism in Switzerland (2010-2012). Research Project in collaboration with the University of St. Gallen, funded by the Federal Office of Culture, Bern, Switzerland.
  • Effects of media concentration and media crisis on the diversity of opinion in selected regions of Switzerland (2010-2011). Research study in collaboration with the University of Zurich and the University of Lugano, funded by the Federal Office of Communication, Biel, Switzerland.

At the Jönköping International Business School, Sweden

  • Indicators for media pluralism in the member states (2007-2009). Research study in collaboration with the University of Leuven and the University of Budapest, funded by the European Commission, DG Information Society & Media. Co-Direction of part concerning the economic indicators for media pluralism. With Robert Picard
  • Business Models of Newspaper Publishing Companies (2005-2006). Research study within the Media Future Research Initiative “Where NEWS?” funded by WAN-IFRA, Darmstadt, Germany. Co-Direction with Robert Picard
Refereed Conference Contributions

International Labor Process (ILPC) – University of Padua (Italy), April 21, 2022: “Harry Braverman, labor process theory and HRM: Taking Stock and Looking Forward“ with Afshin Omidi.

International Conference on Exploring Service Science (IESS 2.1) – University of Geneva, March 24, 2021: Smart working in the COVID-19 emergency: a comparative study of the banking and insurance sectorswith Eleonora Veglianti.

Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association – Neuchâtel, September 10-12, 2019: “Digital transformation in organizations: How to steer the impact of new technologies on organizations and employment relations?

7th European Conference on Communications (ECC) – Lugano, November 1-3, 2018:  “The role of knowledge transfer within transnational media firms” with Benedetta Prario and Giulia Spolaor.

World Media Economics and Management Conference (WMEC) – Cape Town, May 6-9, 2018: “International human resource management practices as critical factor of western FDI success: The case of the African mobile telecommunications sector”, with Aicha Hammami.

Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and Society (ICTO) – Paris, March 22-23, 2018: “The FDI-Economic Growth Nexus from a Human Resource Management Perspective: The case of the ICT sector in Sub-Saharan Africa”, with Aicha Hammami.

Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and Society (ICTO) – Paris, March 16-17, 2017: “Le rôle du leadership dans la transformation digitale : le cas du secteur pharmaceutique”, with Evgeniya Kolpakova

World Media Economics and Management Conference (WMEC) – New York, May 2-6, 2016: “Media firms and innovation challenges: The role of human resource management”, with Jules Adissa.

Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and Society (ICTO) – Paris, March 3-4, 2016: “Luxury website design: Are luxury dimensions transferable online?”, with Evgeniya Kolpakova

European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) – Münster, May 27-29, 2015:  “Data journalism in news media firms: The role of information technology to master challenges and embrace opportunities of data-driven journalism projects”, with Yoann Schenker and Artur Lugmayr.

European Media Management Education Association (EMMA) International Conference – Tallin, June 12-13, 2014 : “New business models within news media organizations: Start-ups dreaming quality journalism”, with Vittoria Sacco and Giulia Spolaor.

European Media Management Education Association (EMMA) International Conference – Tallin, June 12-13, 2014: “Data Journalism and human resource management challenges

World Media Economics and Management Conference (WMEC) – Rio de Janeiro, May 12-16, 2014: “The role of knowledge transfer and human resource management for international diversification strategies in transnational media firms”, with Giulia Spolaor

European Media Management Education Association (EMMA) International Conference – Bournemouth, June 13-14, 2013: “Convergent Divergence – Cross-Disciplinary Viewpoint on Media Convergence”, with A. Lugmayr and G.F. Lowe

IMMAA Conference, Lisbon, May 2013: “New Business Models Within News Media Organizations: The case of Switzerland” with Giulia Spolaor and Vittoria Sacco.

4me Atelier Radiophonique Romand – Neuchâtel, 1. February, 2013: “La Radio et les Jeunes” with Stéphane Matteo and Claude Jeanrenaud.

Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SACM) Conference – Neuchâtel, April 20-21, 2012: “Herausforderungen von Verlagsunternehmen: Das Personal als Schlüsselfaktor zur Entwicklung Partizipatorischer Geschäftsmodelle“.

European Media Management Education Association (EMMA) International Conference – Budapest, February 10-11, 2012: “Brand alliances between firms and employees in the media industry: The case of co-branding”, with Stéphane Matteo.

International Conference for Media Brand Management – Vienna, Austria, September 23-24, 2011: ”Corporate branding of public radio television through social media: The case of RTS”, with Stéphane Matteo and Giulia Spolaor.

European Media Management Education Association (EMMA) International Conference – Moscow, June 10-11, 2011: “Managing Media Convergence: An Economic and Editorial Project”, with Jérôme Galichet, Radio Télévision Suisse and Artur Lugmayr, University of Tampere, Finland

The Interdisciplinary European conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER) Conference – Regensburg, March 10-12, 2010: “University Spin Offs: Experiences from Switzerland”, with Clement Charles.

European Media Management Education Association (EMMA) International Conference – Paris, February 5-6, 2010: “T-Commerce as revenue stream for Television”, with Clement Charles.

27th International Association for Media and Communication Research (AIMCR) – National Autonomous University of Mexico, July 21-24, 2009: “The European Media Pluralism Monitor: a holistic and risk based approach towards measuring media pluralism in the 21st century media landscape”, with Peggy Valcke, Robert Picard, Miklos Sükösd, Beata Klimkiewicz, Brankica Petkovic

Workshop on Competition Policy and Regulation in Media Markets – Tilburg University, the Netherlands, June 4-5, 2009: “The European Media Pluralism Monitor”, with Peggy Valcke, Robert Picard, Miklos Sükösd, Beata Klimkiewicz, Brankica Petkovic

European Media Management Education Association (EMMA) International Conference – Paris, February 13-14, 2009: “Opportunities and Challenges for a High Quality Journalism in a context of increasing Economic and Technological Change”, with Benedetta Prario.

IFSAM 9th World Congress – Shanghai, China, July 26-28, 2008: “Human Resource Management as Entrepreneurial Tool?”, with Veronica Gustavsson.

33rd European International Business Academy (EIBA) Conference – Catania, December 13-15, 2007:  “Innovation through External Sourcing Activities: An Overview of Major Trends and Patterns of Telecommunications Service Providers Industry“, with Hans van Kranenburg, Jaqueline Pennings, John Hagedoorn.

The Future of Newspapers Conference – Cardiff Centre for Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, September 12-13, 2007: “Business Models for Innovation oriented Newspaper Publishers

4th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange – Brisbane, February 6-9, 2007: “Knowledge transfer within entrepreneurial networks: The power of motivation and fair leadership”, with Stephen Cohen (the paper was accepted, my co-author and I could not participate at the conference though).

MMTC International Workshop on Consuming Audiences – Copenhagen, October 20-21, 2006: “Approaches to theories in internal and external media management: An outsider’s look behind the curtain”, with Hans Jürgen Drumm.

MMTC International Workshop on Consuming Audiences – Copenhagen, September 29-30, 2006: “Audience Targeting and the Symbolic Value of Media Products”, with Davide Ravasi.

Efmd 36th Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Small Business Conference (EISB) – Southampton, United Kingdom, September 6-8, 2006: “Entrepreneurship Education and the Newspaper Business”, with Robert Picard.

European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference – Bergen, July 6-8, 2006: “The interplay between corporate social responsibility, publicity and media management

7th World Media Economics conference – Beijing, May 15-19, 2006: “The Global Media Firm: towards a transnational virtual media organization?” With Benedetta Prario.

18th Scandinavian  Academy of Management (NFF) Conference, Aarhus– Denmark, August 15-17, 2005: „Changing firm boundaries and virtual entrepreneurship: The case of the virtual media organization“, with Benedetta Prario

European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference – Berlin, June 30-July 2, 2005: “Unlocking vertical integration in the media industry: The power of innovative new firms over global incumbents

Tagung der Kommission Personal im Verband der deutschen Hochschullehrer – Konstanz, 24-25 September 2004: „Erwerbswirtschaftlicher Prinzip, unternehmerische Sozialverantwortung und Publizität im Spannungsfeld zwischen Wertschöpfungs- und Medienmanagement

Efmd 34th EISB Conference (Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Small Business Conference) – Turku, Finland, September 8-10, 2004:  “Knowledge Transfer through entrepreneurial networks, mergers and acquisitions: is this a path to turn firm growth into successful aging? The case of Cisco Systems”, with Marco Nicosia

European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference – Ljubljana, July 1-3, 2004: “Leadership in highly dynamic environments. A case study supported theoretical analysis of the media industry”

The Interdisciplinary European conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER) Conference – Regensburg, February 18-20, 2004: “Survival versus high growth strategies: A fundamental analysis and deduced implications

“Managing in the Global Information Economy” Conference, Anderson School, UCLA, Los Angeles – USA, September 12-13, 2003: “Current Research on Absorptive Capacity and Information Management”, with Stephen S. Cohen

Efmd 33rd EISB Conference, Milan – Italy, September 11-12, 2003: “Survival, risk reduction and high growth strategies: Two case studies from the media sector and deduced implications for the management of young firms’ growth”, with Michael Dowling

17th Scandinavian Academy of Management (NFF) Conference, Reykjavik – Iceland, August 14-16, 2003: „On the compatibility of growth strategies in young firms: the media industry case

DRUID’s Summer 2003 Conference, Copenhagen – Denmark, June 12-14, 2003: „Absorptive capacity and knowledge transfer between Venture Capital firms and their portfolio companies

Tagung der Kommission Organisation im Verband der deutschen Hochschullehrer, Zürich 1999: „Medieneinsatz für Organisations- und Personalentwicklung: Neue Wege, Hoffnungen und Grenzen

Conference Contributions as Invited Speaker

Guest lecture within the course Globalisierung und Multinationale Unternehmen, University of Zurich – March 29, 2023: “Globalization, digitalization and Media

Guest lecture within the course Globalisierung und Multinationale Unternehmen, University of Zurich – March 30, 2022: “Globalization, digitalization and Media

Guest lecture within the Continuing Education Course in African Affairs “Media and Journalism in Africa: Transformations and Challenges“, University of Basel – June 11 & 12, 2021: “Today and tomorrow: current developments and trends in the media sector in Africa

Guest lecture within the course Globalisierung und Multinationale Unternehmen, University of Zurich – March 29, 2021: “Globalization, digitalization and Media

La Vaudoise, Lausanne – May 28, 2020 :Professional workshop on “The world of work post COVID-19: The case of telework

Guest lecture within the course Globalisierung und Multinationale Unternehmen, University of Zurich – March 25, 2020: “Globalization, new ICT and Media

Guest lecture within a Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, EDHEC Business School, Lille – September 16, 2019: “The impact of artificial intelligence on the nature of work: a critical perspective

9th Conference of the Research & Strategic Studies Center of the Lebanese Armed Forces on Artificial Intelligence in Security and Defence, Beirut – March 26-29, 2019: “Digital transformation in organizations : The impact of new technologies on working processes and employment relations

Guest lecture within the course Globalisierung und Multinationale Unternehmen, University of Zurich – March 20, 2019: “Globalization, new ICT and Media

Semaine des Droits Humains, Université de Genève – 14 novembre 2018: “Media management and media policies as a potential deterrent for hate speech  online?

Swatch Group, cours / journée de formation – 7 septembre 2018: “Industrie 4.0 et Organisations Intelligentes: Quels Défis et Rôle à jouer pour la Gestion des Ressources Humaines?“

Fondation Suisse pour la Recherche en Microtechnique (FSRM), cours – 1 juin 2018: “Organisation et Ressources Humaines à l’Ère Digitale“

Guest lecture within the course Globalisierung und Multinationale Unternehmen, University of Zurich – March 21, 2018: “Globalization, ICT and Media

Professional Workshop on Power dynamics in business, Vicario Consulting SA, Lausanne – September 21, 2017: “Leadership and Power: New paradigms, new concepts

International Workshop on Business Journalism, Tsinghua University, Beijing – May 27, 2016: “Managing Media Distribution Channels: The Transmission of Economic Information

Brückenschlag Tagung, Solothurn – Aril 26, 2013: „Kritikunfähige Medien? Praxisfremde Wissenschaft? Journalismus und Medienforschung im Dialog“,

Mindtrek 2010 Conference, Tampere, Finland – 6-8 October, 2010: “Innovation enhancing human resource management within media firms”, Key Note Speaker

Séminaire « La fin du consommateur passif ? La place du consommateur dans la cocréation de la valeur économique ». Institut de Sociologie, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Université de Neuchâtel, 1 Octobre 2010: “La professionnalisation de la gestion des médias en tant que Business Angel des journaux

MMTC Conference on The Business of Emerging Media: Research and Practices, at its branch at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China – April 21-23, 2010: ”New Media Management

Federal Office of Communication, Biel, Switzerland – November 18, 2009: “Media Economics and Management: An Introduction

IFRA Sweden, Annual Meeting, Stockholm – January 30-31, 2007: “Business Models for Newspaper Publishers: Trends and Projections

IFRA European Committee Meeting, Paris – October 26-27, 2006: “Is there Life beyond the Print Newspaper? Preparing for the Multi-product Future of Newspapers”, with Robert Picard.

IFRA International Conference on Business Models for Newspaper Publishers, Frankfurt am Main –October 23-24, 2006: “Status Quo and Trends in Newspaper Publishing Houses Worldwide”, with Robert Picard.

Interdisciplinary Workshop on innovation and R&D in media firms – Media Management and Transformation Centre, Jönköping International Business School, and Wissenschaftszentrum für Internationalen Journalismus, Universität Dortmund – January 23-25, 2004: “Application of innovation management theories and strategies to media firms

BRIE/OECD/Caisse de Depots Conference on Venture Financing and Regionalized Development, Paris – June 19, 2002

– „History and Location in the Venture Capital Industry“, with Martin Kenney

– „Venture Capital and Local Economic Development“, with Stephen S. Cohen

EXIST-Partner-Workshop zum Thema “IT & Entrepreneurship – Trends of the Future” mit Accenture, Sofia Antipolis – Frankreich, March 2001: “Software Development: Closed versus Open Source Software”, with Karsten Hoppe, Christian Lendner, Anna Möhle, Johannes Nührenberger.

Conference Organization (personally organized)

Café Scientifique: “Pollution: des multinationales responsables?”, University of Neuchâtel – February 19, 2020

Café Scientifique: “Obsolescence programmée … à disparaître?”, University of Neuchâtel – April 10, 2019

International conference on “Ownership Structures and Managerial Challenges in the African Media and Telecommunications Sectors“, University of Neuchâtel – November 8-9, 2018

Track on Digital Media at the Intersection between Information Technology and Media Management at the European Conference on Information Systems, Istanbul – Turkey, June 12-15, 2016 (organized with Artur Lugmayr)

International conference on “News Media Development and Sustainability in Africa“, University of Neuchâtel with Fondation Hirondelle – October 22-23 2015,

Track on Media Management and Information Systems at the European Conference on Information Systems, Münster – Germany, May 26-29 2015 (organized with Artur Lugmayr and Robert G. Picard),

Café Scientifique: “Réseaux sociaux: la pub sans foi ni loi”, University of Neuchâtel, May 20 2015,

6me Atelier Radiophonique Romand “Regarder la Radio?”, February 6 2015 (organized with Annik Dubied, Radio Television Suisse and Radios Régionales Romandes),

L’Uniformisation, une fatalité journalistique? University of Neuchâtel, December 12 2014,

5me Atelier Radiophonique Romand “Radio: Label de qualité?”, February 7   2014 (organized with Radio Television Suisse and Radios Régionales Romandes),

Fighting for Transparency: Lost battle or mission to accomplish? May 24 2013,

4me Atelier Radiophonique Romand “La Radio et les Jeunes”, February 1 2013 (organized with Claude Jeanrenaud, Radio Television Suisse and Radios Régionales Romandes),

Les nouvelles migrations: défis et nécessités, University of Neuchâtel, November 15 2012 (organized with Bashkim Iseni),

100 Anniversary of the Neuchâtel Association of Journalists, Neuchâtel, August 25 2012 (organized with Neuchâtel Journalists’ Association),

Annual Conference of the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research, University of Neuchâtel, April 20-21 2012 (organized with Katarina Stanoevska)

3me Atelier Radiophonique Romand ”Radio er réseaux sociaux”, University of Neuchâtel, February 3 2012 (organized with Radio Television Suisse and Radios Régionales Romandes),

International workshop on “Media Interactivity: economics and managerial issues”, with the Media management and Transformation Centre (JIBS, Sweden), University of Neuchâtel, October 30-31 2009 (organized with Robert G. Picard),

International workshop on “Advances in Audience and Consumer Measurement”, University of Miami, School of Communication, March 26-29 2009 (organized with Robert G. Picard and Walter McDowell)

International workshop on “Media Brands: Their Management, Effects, and Social Implications”, Jönköping International Business School, Sweden, September 20-22 2007 (organized with Robert G. Picard)

International Workshop on “Organizing Media: Influences on and Implications of Company Architecture”, Jönköping International Business School, Sweden, October 20-21 2006 (organized with Robert G. Picard)

International Workshop on “Consuming Audiences”, Jönköping International Business School, Sweden, September 29-30   2006 (organized with Robert G. Picard)

International workshop on “Entrepreneurship and Media”, Jönköping International Business School, Sweden, March 30 2006 (organized with Robert G. Picard)

London professional briefing on “Current issues and trends on the financing of media companies”, April 28-29 2005 (organized with Robert G. Picard)

International workshop on “New Economy Comes of Age: Growth and Dynamics of Maturing New Media Companies”, Jönköping International Business School, Sweden, November 12-13 2004 (organized with Robert G. Picard)

Book Reviews

Dal Zotto Cinzia, Transnational Management, Christopher Bartlett, Sumantra Ghoshal and Julian Birkinshaw. Review for Publishing Company McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Dal Zotto Cinzia, Magic, Culture and the New Economy. In: Scandinavian Journal of Management, Vol. 23, Nr. 2, June 2007.

Dal Zotto Cinzia, Organizational Memory. In: Informatik, Zeitschrift der schweizerischen Informatikorganisation, Nr. 1 Februar 2001.

Dal Zotto Cinzia, Informationsmanagement. In: Informatik, Zeitschrift der schweizerischen Informatikorganisation, Nr. 3 Juni 2000.

Dal Zotto Cinzia, Internet – Schöne neue Welt? In: Informatik, Zeitschrift der schweizerischen Informatikorganisation, Nr. 4 August 1999.

Dal Zotto Cinzia, Informationssysteme in der Finanzwirtschaft. In: Informatik, Zeitschrift der schweizerischen Informatikorganisation, Nr. 1 Februar 1999.