40th annual EGOS colloquium, University of Milan-Bicocca, Milan, Italia, 4-6 July 2024 “The Ethical Responsibility of News Organizations in Democratic Societies: The Case of Social Media in a Post-Truth Era”. With Andreas G. Scherer
International Labor Process (ILPC) – University of Padua (Italy), April 21, 2022: “Harry Braverman, labor process theory and HRM: Taking Stock and Looking Forward“, with Afshin Omidi.
International Conference on Exploring Service Science (IESS 2.1) – University of Geneva, March 24, 2021: “Smart working in the COVID-19 emergency: a comparative study of the banking and insurance sectors“, with Eleonora Veglianti & Marco De Marco.
Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association – Neuchâtel, September 10-12, 2019: “Digital transformation in organizations: How to steer the impact of new technologies on organizations and employment relations?”
7th European Conference on Communications (ECC) – Lugano, November 1-3, 2018: “The role of knowledge transfer within transnational media firms” with Benedetta Prario and Giulia Spolaor.
World Media Economics and Management Conference (WMEC) – Cape Town, May 6-9, 2018: “International human resource management practices as critical factor of western FDI success: The case of the African mobile telecommunications sector”, with Aicha Hammami.
Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and Society (ICTO) – Paris, March 22-23, 2018: “The FDI-Economic Growth Nexus from a Human Resource Management Perspective: The case of the ICT sector in Sub-Saharan Africa”, with Aicha Hammami.
Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and Society (ICTO) – Paris, March 16-17, 2017: “Le rôle du leadership dans la transformation digitale : le cas du secteur pharmaceutique”, with Evgeniya Kolpakova and Alexiane Gerber (Winner of Best Paper Award)
World Media Economics and Management Conference (WMEC) – New York, May 2-6, 2016: “Media firms and innovation challenges: The role of human resource management”, with Jules Adissa.
2nd Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and Society (ICTO) – Paris, March 3-4, 2016: “Luxury website design: Are luxury dimensions transferable online?”, with Evgeniya Kolpakova (Nominated for best paper award).
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) – Münster, May 27-29, 2015: “Data journalism in news media firms: The role of information technology to master challenges and embrace opportunities of data-driven journalism projects”, with Yoann Schenker and Artur Lugmayr.
European Media Management Education Association (EMMA) International Conference – Tallin, June 12-13, 2014: “New business models within news media organizations: Start-ups dreaming quality journalism”, with Vittoria Sacco and Giulia Spolaor (abstract acceptance).
European Media Management Education Association (EMMA) International Conference – Tallin, June 12-13, 2014: “Data Journalism and human resource management challenges” (abstract acceptance).
World Media Economics and Management Conference (WMEC) – Rio de Janeiro, May 12-16, 2014: “The role of knowledge transfer and human resource management for international diversification strategies in transnational media firms”, with Giulia Spolaor.
European Media Management Education Association (EMMA) International Conference – Bournemouth, June 13-14, 2013: “Fall and rise of business models within news media organizations: The case of Switzerland”, with Vittoria Sacco (abstract acceptance).
IMMAA Conference, Lisbon, May 2013: “New Business Models Within News Media Organizations: Start-ups Dreaming Quality Journalism” with Giulia Spolaor and Vittoria Sacco.
4me Atelier Radiophonique Romand – Neuchâtel, February 1, 2013: La Radio et les Jeunes” with Stéphane Matteo and Claude Jeanrenaud.
Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SACM) Conference – Neuchâtel, April 20-21, 2012: “Herausforderungen von Verlagsunternehmen: Das Personal als Schlüsselfaktor zur Entwicklung Partizipatorischer Geschäftsmodelle“.
European Media “Brand Alliances between firms and employees in the media industry: The case of co-branding” Management Education Association (EMMA) International Conference – Budapest, February 10-11, 2012: “Brand Alliances between firms and employees in the media industry: The case of co-branding“, with Stéphane Matteo.
International Conference for Media Brand Management – Vienna, Austria, September 23-24, 2011: “Corporate branding of public radio television through social media: The case of RTS”, with Stéphane Matteo and Giulia Spolaor.
European Media Management Education Association (EMMA) International Conference – Moscow, June 10-11, 2011: “Managing Media Convergence: An Economic and Editorial Project”, with Jérôme Galichet, Radio Télévision Suisse and Artur Lugmayr, University of Tampere, Finland
The Interdisciplinary European conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER) Conference – Regensburg, March 10-12, 2010: “University Spin Offs: Experiences from Switzerland”, with Clement Charles.
European Media Management Education Association (EMMA) International Conference – Paris, February 5-6, 2010: “T-Commerce as revenue stream for Television”, with Clement Charles.
27th International Association for Media and Communication Research (AIMCR) – National Autonomous University of Mexico, July 21-24, 2009: “The European Media Pluralism Monitor: a holistic and risk based approach towards measuring media pluralism in the 21st century media landscape”, with Peggy Valcke, Robert Picard, Miklos Sükösd, Beata Klimkiewicz, Brankica Petkovic
Workshop on Competition Policy and Regulation in Media Markets – Tilburg University, the Netherlands, June 4-5, 2009: “The European Media Pluralism Monitor”, with Peggy Valcke, Robert Picard, Miklos Sükösd, Beata Klimkiewicz, Brankica Petkovic
European Media Management Education Association (EMMA) International Conference – Paris, February 13-14, 2009: “Opportunities and Challenges for a High Quality Journalism in a context of increasing Economic and Technological Change”, with Benedetta Prario.
IFSAM 9th World Congress – Shanghai, China, July 26-28, 2008: “Human Resource Management as Entrepreneurial Tool?”, with Veronica Gustavsson.
33rd European International Business Academy (EIBA) Conference – Catania, December 13-15, 2007: “Innovation through External Sourcing Activities: An Overview of Major Trends and Patterns of Telecommunications Service Providers Industry“, with Hans van Kranenburg, Jaqueline Pennings, John Hagedoorn.
The Future of Newspapers Conference – Cardiff Centre for Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, September 12-13, 2007: “Business Models for Innovation oriented Newspaper Publishers”
4th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange – Brisbane, February 6-9, 2007: “Knowledge transfer within entrepreneurial networks: The power of motivation and fair leadership”, with Stephen Cohen (the paper was accepted, my co-author and I could not participate at the conference though).
MMTC International Workshop on Consuming Audiences – Copenhagen, September 29-30, 2006: “Audience Targeting and the Symbolic Value of Media Products”, with Davide Ravasi.
Efmd 36th Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Small Business Conference (EISB) – Southampton, United Kingdom, September 6-8, 2006: “Entrepreneurship Education and the Newspaper Business”, with Robert Picard.
European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference – Bergen, July 6-8, 2006: “The interplay between corporate social responsibility, publicity and media management“
7th World Media Economics conference – Beijing, May 15-19, 2006: “The Global Media Firm: towards a transnational virtual media organization? With Benedetta Prario.
18th Scandinavian Academy of Management (NFF) Conference, Aarhus– Denmark, August 15-17, 2005: „Changing firm boundaries and virtual entrepreneurship: The case of the virtual media organization“, with Benedetta Prario
European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference – Berlin, June 30-July 2, 2005: “Unlocking vertical integration in the media industry: The power of innovative new firms over global incumbents“
Tagung der Kommission Personal im Verband der deutschen Hochschullehrer – Konstanz, 24-25 September 2004: “Erwerbswirtschaftlicher Prinzip, undernehmerische Sozialverantwortung und Publizität im Spannungsfeld zwischen Wertschöpfungs- und Medienmanagement”
Efmd 34th EISB Conference (Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Small Business Conference) – Turku, Finland, September 8-10, 2004: “Knowledge Transfer through entrepreneurial networks, mergers and acquisitions: is this a path to turn firm growth into successful aging? The case of Cisco Systems”, with Marco Nicosia
European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference – Ljubljana, July 1-3, 2004: “Leadership in highly dynamic environments. A case study supported theoretical analysis of the media industry”
The Interdisciplinary European conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER) Conference – Regensburg, February 18-20, 2004: “Survival versus high growth strategies: A fundamental analysis and deduced implications”
“Managing in the Global Information Economy” Conference, Anderson School, UCLA, Los Angeles – USA, September 12-13, 2003: “Current Research on Absorptive Capacity and Information Management”, with Stephen S. Cohen
Efmd 33rd EISB Conference, Milan – Italy, September 11-12, 2003: “Survival, risk reduction and high growth strategies: Two case studies from the media sector and deduced implications for the management of young firms’ growth”, with Michael Dowling
17th Scandinavian Academy of Management (NFF) Conference, Reykjavik – Iceland, August 14-16, 2003: „On the compatibility of growth strategies in young firms: the media industry case“
DRUID’s Summer 2003 Conference, Copenhagen – Denmark, June 12-14, 2003: „Absorptive capacity and knowledge transfer between Venture Capital firms and their portfolio companies“
Tagung der Kommission Organisation im Verband der deutschen Hochschullehrer, Zürich 1999: „Medieneinsatz für Organisations- und Personalentwicklung: Neue Wege, Hoffnungen und Grenzen“